Auto Service "PRO.CTO" » Generator repair at the auto service «PRO.CTO»: professional quality⭐☎ (971) 58 524 7569⭐

Generator Repair in Dubai

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The generator is responsible for the quality of electrical work in the vehicle. It powers all devices with current and also performs the function of recharging the battery, with which it works in parallel.

The generator supplies current to the devices only when its voltage is higher than that of the battery. If a generator failure occurs, it is better to repair it than to replace it with a new one. The cost of generator repair at the service station will always depend on the severity of the damage.

Generator repair Ivano-Frankivsk

The main stages of eliminating generator failures at our service station are:

  • ● Diagnostics of the diode bridge. This part is responsible for stable voltage supply at different speeds.
  • ● Replacement of the armature in the burnt winding. In this case, it is sometimes more advantageous to replace the generator completely.
  • ● Replacement of the shaft bearings. Some damages require replacing the shaft itself.
  • ● Replacement of the voltage regulator. In such work, the unit is allowed not to be completely disassembled.
  • ● Testing of sensors, as well as all connections needed for the proper functioning of the device.

Before eliminating generator failures, a professional diagnosis of the equipment should be made.

Only in this way can the real cause of the malfunction be found. We advise you to contact our service station "PRO.CTO" — experienced specialists will professionally conduct quality generator repair in Dubai.

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When the generator needs repair at the service station

Generator failures can be of two types: mechanical and electrical. The first group includes: a damaged case, broken mounts and bearings, broken overrunning clutches.

Electrical failures can be considered: winding short circuit, broken diode bridge, brush wear. To know when to contact the service station, it is essential to understand the signs of device malfunction.

Among such signs, the following can be highlighted:

  1. 1. Difficulties in starting the engine. In this case, the electronic relay-regulator block is damaged.
  2. 2. Weak or flickering headlights. The dashboard illumination is also affected.
  3. 3. An icon in the form of a battery appears on the dashboard. This means that it is not receiving the necessary charge.
  4. 4. The drive belt whistles, indicating that it is poorly tensioned.
  5. 5. The drive belt breaks. This malfunction is accompanied by light smoke and an unpleasant odor.

Generator repair at the service station is also necessary if a ringing or electrical sound is heard from under the hood. Sometimes the device can be noisier than the engine.

Order generator repair in Dubai

Generator repair Ivano-Frankivsk at the service station

To learn more about diagnostic and auto repair services at the service station, call our specialists at (971) 58 524 7569. In the "Price" section on the service station "PRO.CTO" website, you can find approximate prices for services.

Finding the service station on the Dubai map is quite easy — just enter the address: Dubai into the satellite navigator. Our specialists will quickly and efficiently eliminate any generator failures.

Order the service you need online through our website — this ensures affordable repairs without queues. We will be ready for your arrival at the specified time.

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