Auto Service "PRO.CTO" » Car service

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Car Maintenance in Dubai – Affordable Quality

      To ensure your car operates at 100% efficiency and is as safe and economical as possible, it’s important to conduct regular maintenance and timely repairs of any identified issues. These measures help prevent costly repairs and dangerous situations on the road, as well as significantly extend the life of the vehicle.

Professional Car Maintenance in Ivano-Frankivsk

       By contacting the "PRO.CTO" car service, you can order professional technical maintenance at a low price. We offer a full range of services for identifying both external defects and hidden malfunctions. We complete orders as quickly and efficiently as possible. No delays or defects. We service the following car brands: Volkswagen, Skoda, BMW, Renault, Citroen, Suzuki, Chevrolet, Nissan, Ford, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Peugeot, Mazda, Jeep, and others.

Car Maintenance in Ivano-Frankivsk

SERVICE: PriceTime to Complete
Oil and Oil Filter Change in Engine ------ 1h.
Oil and All Engine Filters Change ------ 1h.
Oil Change in Manual Transmission ------ 1h.
Oil Change in Automatic Transmission ------ from 2h.
Oil Change in Differential ------ 1h.
Oil Change in Transfer Case ------ 1h.
Spark Plug Replacement ------ 1h.
Glow Plug Replacement ------ from 2h.
Timing Belt and Rollers Replacement ------ from 4h.
Generator Belt and Rollers Replacement ------ from 1h.
Coolant Replacement ------ 1h.
Brake Fluid Replacement ------ 1h.
Power Steering Fluid Replacement ------ 1h.
Timing Chain Replacement ------ from 1 day
Valve Adjustment ------ from 3h.

Car Maintenance in Dubai: Service Overview

The "PRO.CTO" car service offers its clients the following list of services as part of technical maintenance:
Oil Change

It is recommended to change every 10–15 thousand km, although the service book may indicate a higher mileage

Filter Replacement

Car owners of domestic manufacturers need to replace filters after 15–20 thousand km

Timing Belt Replacement

Although many drivers are unaware of timing belts, they must be replaced according to the instructions. Replacement time can be determined visually (stains, defects, folds, holes)

Spark Plug Replacement

Modern manufacturers recommend changing regular spark plugs every 15–20 thousand km, while iridium and platinum ones should be changed every hundred thousand kilometers

Transmission Oil Change

It is mistakenly thought that transmission fluid does not need to be changed. This is not true. In front/all-wheel-drive cars, oil replacement is done more often than in rear-wheel-drive models

Antifreeze Replacement

Antifreeze also needs to be replaced at least once a year

Thermostat Replacement

If the engine does not reach operating temperature, the thermostat needs to be replaced

Other Services

We provide maintenance for all other systems of the car.

To avoid your car breaking down unexpectedly on the road and causing an accident, we recommend replacing all necessary fluids during scheduled maintenance.

This is not only convenient but also financially beneficial. It’s better to spend once on complete technical maintenance than to take the car for an oil change every 2–3 months. All current prices are listed in the "PRICE" section.

Guarantees on Technical Maintenance at “PRO.CTO”

Choosing our car service in Dubai is worthwhile for the following reasons:

  • ✓ You can order car maintenance in 1–2 minutes.
  • ✓ No long queues and no delays in order completion.
  • ✓ Friendly staff who treat every customer with respect.
  • ✓ All offered services are performed at a high professional level.
  • ✓ “Transparent” prices, without unreasonable or hidden fees.

If you have questions about how to order complete/partial car maintenance, want to know prices for engine repairs and other services – contact the managers of the "PRO.CTO" car service through the online form, the “Callback” button, or call:

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